as Mediums

A medium is someone who has the ability to bridge the gap between those in the physical world and those in the spirit world. They are able to connect with someone who has died and pass on messages and guidance to help a person on their life path. 

How does Mediumship work?

A medium will raise their vibration through various techniques in order to connect with the spirit world and communicate with it. Some people seem to have this ability innately from a very young age, others develop it later in life.

Shamans as Mediums

It’s common for a Shaman to receive information during a healing session from a client’s relative or ancestor, who wish to convey a message. Shamans raise their vibration in order to work in the spirit realm when they’re performing energy healing, and are therefore able to communicate with those that have passed during this time.

Types of Information

The information a medium or Shaman receives isn’t always verbal. It can be received through pictures, sounds and feelings so sometimes it can seem cryptic or difficult to understand. Often it doesn’t make sense in the present time, but will make sense in the future after certain events have passed.

Get in touch

If you’d like more information about how shamanic healing can help you, get in touch by calling +61 (0) 429 610 337 or email

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