Purchase a Session

All healing sessions can be purchased securely through this website.

Once you have purchased a session simply get in touch to book in a time. My current wait time is approximately 1-2 weeks.

Energy Healing


Energy Healing $159

(Save 10% – normally $177)

I will scan your energy body and look for intrusions, imbalances and anomalies. I will then perform energy healing to balance your chakras and restore your energy body, resulting in a feeling of balance, vitality, flow and harmony. Find out more or book on the link below.

Shamanic Healing Session


Shamanic Healing $284

(Save 10% – normally $316)

I will perform energy healing on you to bring your energy body into balance. I will then use a variety of shamanic techniques such as removing intrusions and soul retrieval to help you heal from the specific issues you want to work on. I will also ask for any messages and guidance from Spirit to help you on your path, so you can move forward with clarity and peace. Find out more or book on the link below.

Shamanic Tarot Package


Shamanic and Tarot Package $324

(Save 10% – normally $360)

Combine a shamanic session with a tarot reading to complete your healing experience.

If you’d like further messages and guidance around specific areas of your life, I will use tarot cards at the end of your session to provide additional information on whatever you need clarity or assistance with.  Find out more or book on the link below.

Relationship Shamanic Healing


Relationship Shamanic Healing $444

(Save 10% – normally $494)

I will perform energy healing on you and your partner to bring your energy bodies into balance. I will then use a variety of shamanic techniques such as removing intrusions and bringing the soul parts back to your relationship to help you heal from the specific issues you want to work on. I will also ask for any messages and guidance from Spirit to help you on your path, so you can move forwards with clarity and peace together. Find out more or book on the link below.

Nb. This doesn’t have to be an intimate relationship, it can be a friendship, siblings or parent/child relationship.

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