Shamanic FAQs

/Shamanic FAQs
Shamanic FAQs2023-03-28T15:41:53+08:00
What is Shamanic healing?2021-11-25T02:53:30+08:00

Shamanism is one of the oldest and most powerful forms of energy healing. There are many different healing techniques that have originated from various tribal nations around the world, but essentially it aims to get to the root of a person’s problem and resolve it using energy healing techniques. This will enable them to move forward and exist in better relationship with the people in their life and the world around them. 

Who needs Shamanic healing?2021-12-23T06:10:53+08:00

Our energetic well-being is constantly fluctuating. Our state of spiritual, physical, mental and emotional being is never static and therefore absolutely everyone can benefit from shamanic healing.

Most people seeking shamanic healing, however, are those struggling with a particular issue; this can be anything from depression or anxiety, getting over a relationship break up, an ongoing difficult relationship with a parent, or a recurring pattern of always being with the ‘wrong’ guy.

Current issues are often (but not always) linked to having experienced some sort of traumatic event that has been stored in the energetic body. It can be recent or have happened a long time ago and a person may or may not be aware of the original trauma that is causing their current issues.  

Should I book a Shamanic healing session?2023-03-13T09:39:49+08:00

If you’re unsure of whether to book a session you really need to trust your intuition. If you’ve landed on this web page, you may well have been guided here for a reason, but only you will know if this resonates and is right for you.  

Is an in-person session better than a distance session?2021-11-18T07:15:01+08:00

It really makes no difference what type of session you receive; the energy healing works in the same way and your energy body can be scanned and healed just as effectively by distance as in person.   

How will I feel after a session?2022-02-27T03:07:35+08:00

This varies from person to person – everyone integrates the healing in a different way. Some people feel tired after receiving a session, some people feel more energised, and some people notice no changes at all other than feeling lighter, happier and clearer.

Quite often a flood of emotions are experienced immediately after receiving the details of your session as you process the information that has come through. Over time you will start to notice the subtle changes that indicate healing has occurred, such as improved mood and the way you feel in certain situations that may have previously triggered a negative response in you.   

How many sessions will I need?2023-03-28T13:05:51+08:00

This will depend on how many issues you want to address and how deep and painful a particular trauma is. It can be hard to emotionally process and integrate multiple healings at the same time, so additional sessions are recommended for separate issues.

If you are struggling to process the healing you have received in a session, a follow up may also be required. This isn’t common but can happen when the healing is particularly deep and we are struggling to integrate what we have received into our everyday lives.

Is Shamanic healing different to energy healing?2023-03-13T09:37:09+08:00

Shamanic healing is a type of energy healing but there are many different types. Other forms of energy healing such as reiki and chakra healing use life force energy or chi to assist in aligning and balancing the energy centres of the body. It can have amazing effects on your wellbeing by improving your energy flow and raising your energetic vibration.

Shamanic medicine is a deeper form of healing that assesses your energy body on a more profound level. It uses various techniques to uncover intrusions that go deep into your energy body, that may have been caused by recent trauma or something that happened a long time ago.  

What is energy?2023-03-13T09:42:13+08:00

We live in a world that is pure energy expressed in physical form. Everything you see has an energetic value; something like a plastic bottle will have a very low, dense energetic value whereas plants and animals have a much higher vibration.

As humans, our energetic vibration varies greatly depending on our current state of wellbeing and our spiritual connection and capabilities. By healing the energetic component of ourselves, it’s possible to increase our energetic vibration, having a positive effect on how we exist in this world.  

Get in touch

If you’d like more information about how shamanic healing can help you, get in touch by calling +61 (0) 429 610 337 or email

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