
Whenever we experience trauma, it’s very common for a part of our soul to separate or detach from us as a coping mechanism. This process enables us to deal with a situation by avoiding the full impact of the trauma.  

Causes of Soul Loss

The causes of soul loss are endless; the loss of a loved one, childhood bullying, a marriage break up or a car accident are some examples. Anything that has had a significant impact on us emotionally can cause soul loss and it can stay with us for a lifetime if we are unable to heal from it.

Symptoms of Soul Loss

Some of the more common symptoms include dissociation, where a person doesn’t feel fully engaged in their body or they might simply feel flat, demotivated and uninspired by life. More serious symptoms include depression, addiction or the inability to heal from grief. Often people look for external things to fill a feeling of emptiness in their life.

How Does Soul Retrieval Work?

A Shaman will move into an altered state of consciousness in order to travel through non-ordinary reality to recover lost soul parts and return them to a person. Shamans usually work with the assistance of spirit guides and in some cases, there is a reluctance for the soul part to return, which will need to be negotiated.

Relationship Soul Retrieval

It’s possible to perform a soul retrieval on two people in order to heal their relationship and enable them to move forward in alignment together. This doesn’t have to be a marital relationship – it can be a friendship, siblings or parent/child relationship.

As long as both parties are in agreement of the intention of the soul retrieval and are wanting to heal past wounds together, this can help them exist in better relationship with each other.

Get in touch

If you’d like more information about how shamanic healing can help you, get in touch by calling +61 (0) 429 610 337 or email

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