
Psychopomp is a very specific branch of shamanism and involves assisting souls who are dying or have already passed to leave the middle world (earth plane) and move on to either the upper or lower world. If someone is experiencing an unwanted presence, it may or may not be a person they knew during their lifetime.

Reasons to Stay

A soul may decide to stay in the middle world for various reasons; they may be concerned for a loved one and are following them around, they may have a strong connection to a building or dwelling, or may feel they have unfinished business that they need to resolve. Some souls are simply confused or lost and don’t know they have passed, others are scared to cross because of religious or social beliefs.

Understanding and Explaining

A Shaman will connect with a soul and understand the reasons behind them still being here before helping them move on. They may need to explain to a soul that they have passed, help them come to terms with how their life eventuated, or agree to pass on a message so that they will willingly leave the place they are residing.  

Moving On

In the case of someone dying or in a coma, a Shaman will connect with the spirit of that person. If they are ready to leave, they will help them pass on any messages they feel they need to before assisting them in moving on.

Get in touch

If you’d like more information about how shamanic healing can help you, get in touch by calling +61 (0) 429 610 337 or email shamanofperth@gmail.com.

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