
There are many wonderful forms of spirituality and holistic methods of healing. Here is a glossary of spiritual terms so that you can look up anything in this field quickly and easily.



Access Bars (AC Bars)

There are 32 access consciousness or AC bars on a person’s head. These energy bars run through and around your head and connect to different aspects of your life. A practitioner will gently touch these points to dissipate electromagnetic energy that has been stored and locked in by negative thoughts and emotions. This process is believed to reduce stress and remove limiting beliefs.

Akashic Records

A complete spiritual compendium of all universal events, thoughts, actions, words, emotions and intent to ever have occurred in the past, present or future. It encompasses all entities and life forms and are thought to be located in the Akasha or 5th dimension.


A person related to you who lived many years ago. 

Angel Cards

See Tarot Cards.


The angelic realm are a group of spiritual beings that can be called upon at any time for assistance when we are in need of help or support.


A posture or pose used in yogic practices. Whist it literally translates to ‘seat’ in Sanskrit, asanas can take many different forms from sitting to standing, forward and backward bending, twists and inversions.

Astral Plane

A plane of existence dimensionally higher than our 3-dimensional physical world. It is believed that our soul passes through the astral plane before we are born and after we die in order to enter and exit the physical world. There are multiple levels to the astral plane that operate at different frequencies or vibrations.


The study of the influence of stars and planets in our solar system on an individual and earthly events. It is thought that the position of the sun, moon, planets and other stars at a person’s birth date can be correlated with their characteristics, personality and life events.


The spiritual energy field that surrounds all living things.


A natural system of medicine that originated in India translating to knowledge of life (ayur – life, veda – science or knowledge). It’s based on the idea that disease is due to an imbalance or stress in a person’s consciousness and encourages natural therapies to regain balance between the body, mind, spirit and environment.

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Bowen Therapy

A form of bodywork that involves gently stretching the fascia (soft tissue that covers all muscles and organs) to promote pain relief.


A general term used to describe any type of therapy that utilises breathing exercises to improve mental, physical and spiritual health.

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The seven main energy centres of the body. The root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow and crown chakra each links to a part of our endocrine system; the adrenal, sexual, pancreas, thymus, thyroid, pituitary and pineal glands respectively. Energy comes into and out of the body through the chakras and is distributed throughout our energy body through channels called nadis.


A flow of energy or form of communication with any consciousness that is beyond the physical earth plane.


The energy of life itself; an electromagnetic force that flows through everything in creation.


See Palmistry.


This is the term used to describe the group of psychic abilities that can detect things beyond the range of ordinary perception; clairalience, clairaudience, claircognizant, clairgustance, clairsentience, clairtangency and clairvoyance.


‘Clear tasting’ or the psychic ability to receive communication from the spirit world through taste i.e. tasting mint when you haven’t eaten a mint.


‘Clear hearing’ or the psychic ability to receive communication from the spirit world through sound i.e. hearing voices when there is no one in the room.


‘Clear knowing’ or the psychic ability to receive communication from the spirit world through intuition or simply knowing something to be true.


‘Clear smelling’ or the psychic ability to receive communication from the spirit world through smell i.e. smelling perfume when there is no perfume in the room.


‘Clear feeling’ or the psychic ability to receive communication from the spirit world through feeling i.e. feeling someone’s nervousness without them telling you they are nervous.


The psychic ability to receive communication from the spirit world through touch i.e. knowing information about the owner of a piece of jewelry even though you didn’t know them.


‘Clear seeing’ or the psychic ability to receive communication from the spirit world through vision i.e. seeing images in your head of something that is true with no other prior knowledge.


An awareness of the internal and external existence of ourselves; understanding that we have an internal consciousness as well as a physical body.


A theory of the creation or origination of the universe and how it came into existence.


A rock or stone that holds unique healing properties or meanings in accordance with its vibration. Crystals come in many different shapes and sizes and their one defining characteristic is an extremely well-organised molecular structure.

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Accessing spiritual realms while we are asleep, without the constraints of the physical body.  


Accessing spiritual realms while we are awake and therefore aware of being in a dream state. We do not have the constraints of the physical body during this time and some people are able to control their actions during dreamtime. 

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Someone who is highly attuned to the feelings and emotions of others. Their ability to discern what others are feeling goes beyond simple intuition and extends to actually taking on and feeling what another person is experiencing at a deep emotional level.

Energy Body

The energy body of humans is composed of energy centres (known as chakras) and energy channels (known as nadis). Energy enters and leaves our body through our chakras and is distributed throughout our body via the nadis.

Energy Healing

A holistic practice where a healer will channel life force energy into a person to help balance, heal and remove blockages. It can be done in person or via distance and restores flow, balance, harmony and vitality to the energy and physical body. Reiki, chakra balancing and meditation are all forms of energy healing.


According to Buddhism, this is the state of being enlightened or awakened to ultimate truth by which someone is freed from the endless cycle of personal reincarnations.


The study of how a person’s environment can impact their DNA. It is believed that we can change how our DNA is expressed through our behaviours and life experiences, meaning that it’s possible for certain genetic dispositions to remain dormant or not express themselves when in certain environments. Practices such as meditation and yoga can positively affect our genetic expression.


Of or relating to somewhere beyond the earth. Lacking material substance and suggesting a resemblance to heaven.

Extrasensory Perception (ESP)

Reception of information that is gained through the mind and not through the five physical senses (sight, sound, touch, taste or smell).

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Fairies (Faeries)

Spiritual creatures that live in the etheric world. They are inter-dimensional beings who live in a realm that is close to the earth plane and their role largely revolves around serving, taking care of and nurturing the earth. There are four main types (gnomes, undines, sylphs and pyraustas or salamanders) and they can take many different forms.

Feng Shui

An ancient Chinese practice that uses energy forces to harmonise individuals with their surroundings. The practice involves arranging pieces in living spaces in order to create balance with the natural world and establish harmony between an individual and their environment.

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The ancient Greek goddess who personifies the earth, sometimes considered the very soul of the earth. In ancient civilizations, she was revered as the mother, nurturer and giver of life who has the creative power to sustain life on this planet.


A religious leader or teacher in Hinduism, Buddhism or Sikhism that is understood to have a long line of philosophical knowledge and understanding.

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Hollow Bone

This is the process whereby a shaman will act as an intermediary between the physical and spiritual world and allow shamanic medicine to transfer through them to their client.  


A diagram of the relative positions of planets and signs of the zodiac at a specific time (i.e. at one’s date of birth) that can be used by astrologers to infer individual characteristics and personality traits as well as foretelling events in a person’s life.

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Inner Peace

A feeling of deep mental and spiritual harmony or serenity. When inner peace is experienced, one has the ability to stay grounded and strong in the face of adversity.


A form of knowledge that is gained via intuitive thoughts and feelings and doesn’t involve logical or rational processes.

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The spiritual principle of cause and effect where the intentions and actions of an individual can influence their future. I.e. good/bad intentions and deeds contribute to good/bad karma. It is believed that karma can extend past our current life and onto a future life.


A form of energy located at the base of the spine and taking the form of a coiled snake. When cultivated and awakened it can lead to spiritual liberation and this can occur by a variety of methods. The experience is reported to be a distinct feeling of electric current running along the spine.

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Life Force Energy

See Chi.

Light Body

See Energy Body.

Light Language

A multidimensional form of communication that bypasses human limitations around the meaning of words and symbols. It is a vibrational expression that speaks directly to our soul and DNA.


Someone who is driven to bring light into those around them and help heal humanity. Most live a normal life before they experience a spiritual awakening and a heightened level of consciousness.

Lower World 

A spiritual world where benevolent and healing spirits reside. It is thought that the spirit of each plant and animal species is located here.

Lucid Dreaming 

Accessing spiritual realms while we are awake that feel very vivid and real. Some people can control their actions and how events unfold whilst in this state.  

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Medical Intuitive

Someone with the ability to tune into your energy body and uncover the cause of physical or emotional conditions using insight rather than modern medicine.


Someone with the ability to bridge the gap between those in the spirit world and those in the physical world and communicate with souls that have passed away.

Middle World 

The spiritual world of our current reality on earth. Not all spirits encountered here are benevolent; caution should be taken when accessing this world.   

Mother Earth

See Gaia.

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Energy emanates from our chakras through the nadis, which are channels that allow prana (life force energy) to flow throughout our body. There are over 72,000 nadis in the body.


A greeting often associated with yoga, showing respect to another.  

Near-Death Experience

A state of consciousness experienced by a person who is at the point of death but subsequently recovers.


Supreme bliss, liberation from suffering. Freedom from the cycle of personal reincarnations.   

Non-Ordinary Reality 

What we experience in alternate (non-physical) realities, where we are not constrained by the physical body.  


A method of divination that uses numbers to symbolise the vibrational patterns which make up our human experience. It can be used to predict information about our personality and what we will achieve in life.

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Old Soul

Someone who has experienced many past lives. They are often wise and calm people who carry out lightwork.


The realisation and condition of being in a state of oneness with all reality. Cessation of self.  

Oracle Cards

See Tarot Cards.


There are many definitions of orbs and not much is known about them. They are thought to be an emanation from a spiritual entity that may appear as a glow or ball of light, and they have been known to float in mid-air or move quickly.

Ordinary Reality 

What we experience in the physical world while in a state of waking consciousness.  

Out of Body Experience

A situation where a person’s consciousness leaves their body and they are able to perceive the world from a location outside of their physical body. These are often reported by people who’ve had a near-death experience.

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See Gaia.

Past Life

This refers to a previous life we have lived on this earth. It is thought that whilst our physical body dies, our soul does not; it keeps reincarnating in physical form or lives on this planet.

Past Life Regression

A therapeutic technique using hypnosis to uncover memories from past lives we have lived.

Palmistry or Palm Reading

The art or practice of reading a person’s character or fortune by inspecting the lines and lineaments of their hand.

Power Animal 

The spiritual form of an animal species. Almost everyone has a power animal that serves as a guide and protector to help them on their journey through life.  


See Chi.


Someone who can tune into your energy and obtain insights into your life using extrasensory perception.


See Clairtangency.


A very specific branch of shamanism that involves assisting souls who are dying or have already passed to leave the middle world and move on.

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See Chi.

Qi Gong

A traditional Chinese practice that coordinates body posture, movement, breathing and meditation to allow the flow of qi or chi through the body.

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Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan. It involves a practitioner channeling chi or life force energy into a person to balance their chakras and remove blocks around the body. It aims to reduce stress and promote relaxation and can be done via touch or distance.

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A person who practices shamanism and acts as an intermediary between the physical and spiritual worlds. Literally translated, shaman means ‘one who sees’.

Shamanic Healing

A spiritual method of healing that aims to get the root of a person’s trauma or problem and resolve it by healing intrusions in their energy body.

Sixth Sense

See Extrasensory Perception.

Sound Healing or Sound Therapy

The use of sound or frequency for relaxation, healing and stress relief. Himalayan and crystal singing bowls, gongs and tuning forks are all sound healing instruments that have the capacity to slow down your respiratory rate, relax brainwave patterns, calm the nervous system and enhance sleep.


Essentially our soul is who we are. It incorporates our thoughts, desires and emotions and continues to exist in the etheric realms after our physical body dies.


A ritual used to cleanse a space or person of negative or unwanted energies.


Our spirit is the container in which our soul and physical body resides. It’s the living force of the body, mediating between the body and soul.

Spiritual Awakening

This can arise in many different ways for each individual, but it generally involves a shift in consciousness and a realisation that we are all part of one consciousness. The illusion that you are separate from oneness is dissolved.


Souls that have reincarnated on earth after living many lifetimes on earth and in other galaxies. They carry special divine wisdom with them and have incarnated to bring light to the planet and help others fulfill their spiritual evolution.

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Tai Chi

Often known as ‘moving meditation’, tai chi is an ancient Chinese practice that involves using the breath to progress through a series of movements performed in a slow, focused manner to enhance spirituality and wellness.

Tarot Cards

There are many different types and decks of tarot cards, each card having its own imagery, symbolism and meaning. A tarot card reader will use a deck of tarot cards to assist them in working intuitively and psychically to help someone on their path and pass on messages from Spirit.


The ability to communicate without the use of the five physical senses (sight, sound, touch, taste and smell). Extrasensory perception is used and messages are received through thoughts, feelings or images appearing in the mind.

Third Eye

Located on your forehead between your eyebrows, the third eye is often referred to as the gateway that leads to higher states of consciousness. It is the channel through which psychics and mediums access information from higher realms and is one of the seven chakras.

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Upper World 

A spiritual world where benevolent and healing spirits reside. Many wise and compassionate healing spirits are located here.  

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A physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India and aims to unite body, mind and spirit through breathwork, asanas and meditation.


A belt-shaped region of the sky showing the paths of the moon and visible planets. The zodiac is divided into 12 signs in Western astrology: Aries, Taurus Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

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