What are Entities and Attachments?
Entities are essentially a form of energy that attach themseves to us. It usually happens when our vibrational energy is low and often as a result of experiencing significant trauma. Soul loss is also common in these circumstances and the two frequently occur at the same time.
When we experience trauma our energy vibration lowers and we lose soul parts in order to cope with the trauma. This combination of soul loss and low energy leaves us vulnerable to entities attaching themselves to us.
Entities don’t have a consciousness. They aren’t a bad spirit that has jumped into our body (although this is possible). They can be considered a parasitic thought form that perpetuates and feeds off our energy in order to stay in existence.
We shouldn’t feel guilty or ashamed that we have ‘allowed’ an entity to attach itself to us, however. Most people are completely unaware of it happening as it often takes place at the unconscious level, and they do not know how to protect themselves.
How do I know if I have an entity attached to me?
Entities often affect our thought processes; lack of concentration, constant low energy and obsessive or intrusive thoughts are common symptoms. Some people may experience physical sensations as well but this is less common.
What we can do to avoid Entitles attaching themselves to us?
The key way to avoid entitles from attaching themselves to us is to keep our vibrational energy high. Here are a few suggestions as to how we can do this:
- Surround yourself with positivity including your thoughts, the people around you, and your environment.
- Positive thoughts emit a positive frequency and we attract what we put out into the world.
- The people we interact with have a massive effect on our energy. We often take on the energy of those around us so make sure it’s what you want to absorb.
- Get out into nature as often as you can – you’ll be amazed at how it lifts your mood.
- Take time out for yourself to do the things you enjoy – hiking, biking, surfing, yoga, meditating – whatever makes you feel great!
- Use music to lift your mood. Music can raise a multitude of emotions in us so listen to things that lift your spirits.
- Choose healthy food options such as plenty of fruit and vegetables over processed and high-fat foods.
- Practice gratitude on a daily basis. Being thankful for the good things in our lives is a great way to appreciate what we have and change our perspective when things don’t seem to be going our way.
- Avoid taking drugs or drinking excessively as this lowers our vibrational energy considerably. This includes ayahuasca, magic mushrooms and any other herbal hallucinogenics, as entities often attach to us when we are not in full conscious control of ourselves. You can achieve incredible healing without using these substances and I would personally avoid them altogether.
If you think you have an entity attached to you a Shaman can help you remove it. If you’d like more information about any of the information above, get in touch.