A shamanic healing session can heal your energy and help you live in better alignment with the world around you. A lot of the clients I see have never had any energy work done before so here are a few tips on getting the most out of a shamanic healing session:

Have a clear intention of what you want to address. When we have the self-awareness of knowing what is causing our problems and what we want to heal, it makes it a lot easier to work on your energy. Having said that, I will be guided as to what to work on so if you’re not sure what the problem is that’s fine too.

Be completely honest and open. As hard as this may be, if we don’t acknowledge what has happened and confront it, it’s much more difficult to heal from. Rest assured that whatever you tell me is completely confidential and I will listen to you without judgement.

Take ownership of your healing. A Shaman is a facilitator in your healing and cannot effect change without you integrating the healing into your everyday life. Acknowledge yourself for having the courage to do the work and for opening up and being vulnerable. Also give yourself the credit you deserve for the positive changes you experience after the session.

Give your session space. Shamanic healing can be deep work so don’t book anything too strenuous in on the day of your session – give yourself time and space to process what comes up and follow up on any guidance you receive.

Rest. Get a good night’s sleep the day before and after your session. If you have sleep issues, just try and rest as much as possible around this time – the more relaxed you are, the easier it is to release what needs to be released. It will also help you to tune in and feel the effects of the healing more acutely.

Hydrate and Nourish. Drink plenty of water and make sure you sustain your body adequately with enough food on the day of your session.

Trust the process. You may not necessarily receive what you wanted or were expecting from a session, but trust that you were guided to a Shaman for a reason and that you received what you needed.